Results for 'Mark A. Colby'

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  1.  19
    The Japan Healthcare Debate: Diverse Perspectives.Mark A. Colby (ed.) - 2004 - Global Oriental.
    Driven by the demographic tsunami of a rapidly aging population, costs of universal healthcare in Japan have grown at an unprecedented rate. These trends are mirrored elsewhere, so industrialized countries are asking if Japan will become a global test case for healthcare delivery.
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    Turing-like indistinguishability tests for the validation of a computer simulation of paranoid processes.Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin Dennis Hilf, Sylvia Weber & Helena C. Kraemer - 1972 - Artificial Intelligence 3:199-221.
  3.  87
    Modeling a paranoid mind.Kenneth Mark Colby - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (4):515-534.
  4. The epistemological foundations of practical reason.Mark Colby - 1999 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):25 – 47.
    One consequence of the later Wittgenstein's influential critique of epistemological foundationalism has been to convince many contemporary philosophers that the ideal of universal and necessary cognitive grounds for moral or political norms is illusory. Recent neo-Wittgensteinian accounts of practical reason attempt to formulate a conception of a post-foundational politics in which a political ethos can be legitimate, rational or just even if its informing practices and cognitive standards lack foundational justification. Against these appropriations of Wittgenstein, I argue that his account (...)
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    A Model of Common-Sense Reasoning Underlying Intentional Nonaction in Stressful Interpersonal Situations and Its Application in the Technology of Computer-Based Psychotherapy.Kenneth Mark Colby, Roger L. Gould, Gerald Aronson & Peter M. Colby - 1991 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 (3):259-272.
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    Psychiatric diagnosis: A double taxonomic swamp.Kenneth Mark Colby - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):596-597.
  7.  21
    Limits on the scope of PARRY as a model for paranoia.Kenneth Mark Colby - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):341-342.
  8. Widening Access to Applied Machine Learning With TinyML.Vijay Reddi, Brian Plancher, Susan Kennedy, Laurence Moroney, Pete Warden, Lara Suzuki, Anant Agarwal, Colby Banbury, Massimo Banzi, Matthew Bennett, Benjamin Brown, Sharad Chitlangia, Radhika Ghosal, Sarah Grafman, Rupert Jaeger, Srivatsan Krishnan, Maximilian Lam, Daniel Leiker, Cara Mann, Mark Mazumder, Dominic Pajak, Dhilan Ramaprasad, J. Evan Smith, Matthew Stewart & Dustin Tingley - 2022 - Harvard Data Science Review 4 (1).
    Broadening access to both computational and educational resources is crit- ical to diffusing machine learning (ML) innovation. However, today, most ML resources and experts are siloed in a few countries and organizations. In this article, we describe our pedagogical approach to increasing access to applied ML through a massive open online course (MOOC) on Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML). We suggest that TinyML, applied ML on resource-constrained embedded devices, is an attractive means to widen access because TinyML leverages low-cost and globally (...)
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    Form and Object: A Treatise on Things. By Tristan Garcia, trans. Mark Allan Ohm and Jon Cogburn, ‘Speculative Realism’, ed. Graham Harman. Pp. xxv, 462, Edinburgh University Press, 2014, $39.95. [REVIEW]Colby Dickinson - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (4):734-737.
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    Heidegger, Authenticity, and Modernity: Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus.Mark A. Wrathall & Jeff Malpas (eds.) - 2000 - MIT Press.
    For more than a quarter of a century, Hubert L. Dreyfus has been the leading voice in American philosophy for the continuing relevance of phenomenology, particularly as developed by Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Dreyfus has influenced a generation of students and a wide range of colleagues, and these volumes are an excellent representation of the extent and depth of that influence.In keeping with Dreyfus's openness to others' ideas, many of the essays in this volume take the form (...)
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  11.  28
    Skillful Coping: Essays on the Phenomenology of Everyday Perception and Action.Mark A. Wrathall (ed.) - 2014 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    For fifty years Hubert Dreyfus has done pioneering work which brings phenomenology and existentialism to bear on the philosophical and scientific study of the mind. This is a selection of his most influential essays, developing his critique of the representational model of the mind in analytical philosophy of mind and mainstream cognitive science.
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    How to read Heidegger.Mark A. Wrathall - 2005 - New York: W.W. Norton.
    Dasein and being-in-the-world -- The world -- The structure of being-in-the-world, pt. 1: Disposedness and moods -- The structure of being-in-the-world, pt. 2: Understanding and interpretation -- Everydayness and the 'one' -- Death and authenticity -- Truth and art -- Language -- Technology -- Our mortal dwelling with things.
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    Comparative Approaches to Biobanks and Privacy.Mark A. Rothstein, Bartha Maria Knoppers & Heather L. Harrell - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (1):161-172.
    Laws in the 20 jurisdictions studied for this project display many similar approaches to protecting privacy in biobank research. Although few have enacted biobank-specific legislation, many countries address biobanking within other laws. All provide for some oversight mechanisms for biobank research, even though the nature of that oversight varies between jurisdictions. Most have some sort of controlled access system in place for research with biobank specimens. While broad consent models facilitate biobanking, countries without national or federated biobanks have been slow (...)
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  14. Locke on Consciousness and Reflection.Mark A. Kulstad - 1984 - Studia Leibnitiana 16:143.
    Wie geartet ist das Verhältnis zwischen den zentralen Begriffen „Bewußtsein“ und „Reflexion“ in Lockes Essay? Sind diese Begriffe für Locke identisch oder voneinander verschieden? Falls sie verschieden sind, wie ist der Unterschied genau zu bestimmen? Diese Arbeit untersucht die Fragen, unter Berücksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Deutungen in der Sekundärliteratur; sie sichtet und prüft den Text des Essays sorgfältig und breitet ein breites Spektrum philosophischer Implikationen von Lockes Ausführungen über das „Bewußtsein“ und „Reflexion“ aus. Der abschließende Teil legt dar, daß Locke niemals (...)
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  15. Vignette : A Tribute to Bartha Maria Knoppers : Dear Friend and Collaborator.Mark A. Rothstein - 2025 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, E. S. Dove, Vasiliki Rahimzadeh & Michael J. S. Beauvais (eds.), Promoting the "human" in law, policy, and medicine: essays in honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    Modeling the neural substrates of associative learning and memory: A computational approach.Mark A. Gluck & Richard F. Thompson - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (2):176-191.
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    A step linking memory to understanding?Mark A. Good & Richard G. M. Morris - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):477-478.
  18. Religion After Metaphysics.Mark A. Wrathall (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How should we understand religion, and what place should it hold, in an age in which metaphysics has come into disrepute? The metaphysical assumptions which supported traditional theologies are no longer widely accepted, but it is not clear how this 'end of metaphysics' should be understood, nor what implications it ought to have for our understanding of religion. At the same time there is renewed interest in the sacred and the divine in disciplines as varied as philosophy, psychology, literature, history, (...)
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  19. Introduction: Metaphysics and Onto-Theology.Mark A. Wrathall - 2003 - In Religion After Metaphysics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--6.
  20.  10
    Inside job: how government insiders subvert the public interest.Mark A. Zupan - 2017 - New York, NY: Cato Institute Cambridge University Press.
    National decline is typically blamed on special interests from the demand side of politics corrupting a country's institutions. The usual demand-side suspects include crony capitalists, consumer activists, economic elites, and labor unions. Less attention is given to government insiders on the supply side of politics - rulers, elected officials, bureaucrats, and public employees. In autocracies and democracies, government insiders have the motive, means, and opportunity to co-opt political power for their benefit and at the expense of national well-being. Many storied (...)
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    The Brain From 25000 Feet: High Level Explorations of Brain Complexity, Perception, Innateness and Vagueness.Mark A. Changizi - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This book is a must-read for researchers interested in taking a high-level, non-mechanistic approach to answering age-old fundamental questions in the brain ...
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    Toward a method of selecting among computational models of cognition.Mark A. Pitt, In Jae Myung & Shaobo Zhang - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (3):472-491.
  23.  16
    A Personal Reflection on the Medical History Questions facing Adopted Persons.Mark A. Cotleur - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (2):116-118.
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    Leibniz's Conception of Expression.Mark A. Kulstad - 1977 - Studia Leibnitiana 9 (1):55 - 76.
    Dieser Aufsatz analysiert Leibniz' Begriff der Expression. Er ist eine Vorstudie zu einer umfassenden Untersuchung der Lehre, daß jede einfache Substanz das ganze Weltall ausdrückt. Leibnizens Beispiele und Definitionen von Expression werden besprochen, und dann wird die Analyse des Begriffs in zwei Stufen entwickelt.
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  25. The Brain from 25,000 Feet: High Level Explorations of Brain Complexity, Perception, Induction and Vagueness.Mark A. Changizi - 2004 - Synthese 141 (2):277-285.
  26. A paradigm-based solution to the Riddle of induction.Mark A. Changizi & Timothy P. Barber - 1998 - Synthese 117 (3):419-484.
  27.  44
    Optimal Formulation of Complex Chemical Systems with a Genetic Algorithm.Mark A. Bedau - unknown
    We demonstrate a method for optimizing desired functionality in real complex chemical systems, using a genetic algorithm. The chemical systems studied here are mixtures of amphiphiles, which spontaneously exhibit a complex variety of self-assembled molecular aggregations, and the property optimized is turbidity. We also experimentally resolve the fitness landscape in some hyper-planes through the space of possible amphiphile formulations, in order to assess the practicality of our optimization method. Our method shows clear and significant progress after testing only 1 % (...)
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    A Closer Look At Leibniz’s Alleged Reduction of Relations.Mark A. Kulstad - 1980 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):417-432.
  29.  23
    Reading a series of similar texts: Testing a schema-based learning theory.Mark A. McDaniel & Gilles O. Einstein - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (4):297-300.
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  30. Toward a theory of episodic memory: The frontal lobes and autonoetic consciousness.Mark A. Wheeler, Stuss, T. Donald & Endel Tulving - 1997 - Psychological Bulletin 121:331-54.
  31.  14
    Can Genetic Nondiscrimination Laws Save Lives?Mark A. Rothstein - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 51 (1):6-7.
    Numerous state laws and the federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) have been enacted to prevent or redress genetic discrimination in employment and health insurance, but laws protecting against genetic discrimination in life insurance have been less common and weak. Consequently, some individuals with a genetic risk of a serious illness have declined presymptomatic genetic testing, thereby decreasing their prevention and treatment options and increasing their mortality risk. In 2020, Florida became the first state to prohibit life insurance companies from (...)
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  32. 3 Weak Emergence and Context-Sensitive Reduction.Mark A. Bedau - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 6--46.
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    Against Mentalism in Teleology.Mark A. Bedau - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1):61 - 70.
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    Emergent models of supple dynamics in life and mind.Mark A. Bedau - 1997 - Brain and Cognition 34:5-27.
    The dynamical patterns in mental phenomena have a characteristic suppleness&emdash;a looseness or softness that persistently resists precise formulation&emdash;which apparently underlies the frame problem of artificial intelligence. This suppleness also undermines contemporary philosophical functionalist attempts to define mental capacities. Living systems display an analogous form of supple dynamics. However, the supple dynamics of living systems have been captured in recent artificial life models, due to the emergent architecture of those models. This suggests that analogous emergent models might be able to explain (...)
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  35.  18
    Expanding Paid Sick Leave Laws: The Public Health Imperative.Mark A. Rothstein & Dov Fox - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (1):6-10.
    A key public health measure has received far too little attention over the course of the Covid‐19 pandemic: paid sick leave policies that encourage people at risk of spreading disease to stay home rather than come to work. The United States is one of the only developed countries that fails to guarantee paid sick leave at the federal level, leaving a patchwork of state and private policies that undersupply time off when people are contagious and protect top wage earners at (...)
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    A “Surprise” Health Policy Legislative Victory.Mark A. Hall - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (6):3-3.
    It was a happy surprise when, overcoming partisan divisions and interest‐group lobbying, Congress enacted the No Surprises Act, which bans unfair out‐of‐network “balance billing.” Although this is only a modest legislative victory, key efforts by the health policy community made a real difference in a time of legislative gridlock.
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  37. (1 other version)Downward causation and the autonomy of weak emergence.Mark A. Bedau - 2002 - Principia 6 (1):5-50.
    Weak emergence has been offered as an explication of the ubiquitous notion of emergence used in complexity science (Bedau 1997). After outlining the problem of emergence and comparing weak emergence with the two other main objectivist approaches to emergence, this paper explains a version of weak emergence and illustrates it with cellular automata. Then it explains the sort of downward causation and explanatory autonomy involved in weak emergence.
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  38. Episodic memory and autonoetic awareness.Mark A. Wheeler - 2000 - In Endel Tulving (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 597-608.
  39.  16
    Reading Profiles in Multi-Site Data With Missingness.Mark A. Eckert, Kenneth I. Vaden & Mulugeta Gebregziabher - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Unregulated Health Research Using Mobile Devices: Ethical Considerations and Policy Recommendations.Mark A. Rothstein, John T. Wilbanks, Laura M. Beskow, Kathleen M. Brelsford, Kyle B. Brothers, Megan Doerr, Barbara J. Evans, Catherine M. Hammack-Aviran, Michelle L. McGowan & Stacey A. Tovino - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):196-226.
    Mobile devices with health apps, direct-to-consumer genetic testing, crowd-sourced information, and other data sources have enabled research by new classes of researchers. Independent researchers, citizen scientists, patient-directed researchers, self-experimenters, and others are not covered by federal research regulations because they are not recipients of federal financial assistance or conducting research in anticipation of a submission to the FDA for approval of a new drug or medical device. This article addresses the difficult policy challenge of promoting the welfare and interests of (...)
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    Retrieval of attribute information as a function of processing depth.Mark A. Dorfmueller & Donald A. Schumsky - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (4):303-306.
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    There Oughta Be a Law.Mark A. Hall - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):7-8.
    “Unconscionable.” “Outrageous.” “Indefensible.” These are just some of the tamer descriptions for the billing practices of most hospitals, and also many physicians, that have recently come to the public's attention. Earlier this year, Time magazine published an extraordinary 24,000‐word exposé—the longest article it has ever published—detailing how even charitable hospitals routinely price‐gouge their patients.1 With characteristic flare for telling details, journalist Steven Brill documented ten‐fold markups of charges over costs at some prominent hospitals for common services like X rays and (...)
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  43.  25
    A Case Study in Objectifying Values in Science.Mark A. Bedau - 2004 - In Peter K. Machamer & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Science, Values, and Objectivity. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 190.
  44.  37
    The Sausage-Making of Insurance Reform.Mark A. Hall - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (1):9-10.
    As politicians revisit the merits of health insurance reform and courts deliberate its constitutionality, government regulators are busily working on the wonky details of implementation. The Affordable Care Act leaves vast swaths of regulation for various agencies to prescribe, most notably the Department of Health and Human Services. Infamously (or perhaps apocryphally, since I'm certainly not going to bother counting), the statute contains more than a thousand commands to the effect of, "the Secretary shall decide." This massive delegation of authority (...)
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  45. Servant Leadership: A Theological Analysis of Robert K. Greenleaf's Concept of Human Transformation.Mark A. Wells - 2004 - Dissertation, Baylor University
    Anthropology is a significant matter within the church. A person's doctrine of humanity will inevitably shape the way a person thinks about the church, salvation, and in part, God. This dissertation is written out of concern for the potential harm that a faulty anthropology may do to the church. This study is concerned with exposing an approach to leadership within the church that is based on a faulty anthropology. Servant leadership has been hailed as the answer to the leadership crisis (...)
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  46. Toward A Physical Theory of the Source of Religion.Mark A. Schroll & Stephan A. Schwartz - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (1):56-69.
    Huston Smith has argued that the universal source of wholeness, which he refers to as the primordial tradition, is essential to a meaningful life. Indeed embracing this tradition is, said Smith, an act of rejoining the human race. Our current forms of organized religion offer us ritualized expressions of this tradition, yet often fail to provide us with transpersonal growth; it is this transpersonal growth that reconnects us with the source of religion. This essay differentiates mainstream religion from a way (...)
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  47. Genetic Screening in Employment: Some Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues.Mark A. Rothstein - 1990 - International Journal of Bioethics 1:239-244.
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    Is HIPAA flawed, or unnecessary?Mark A. Rothstein - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (4):6.
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    Regulatory Landscape of International Direct-to-Participant (DTP) Genomic Research: Time to Untie the Gordian Knot?Mark A. Rothstein, Ma'N. H. Zawati & Bartha Maria Knoppers - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (2):336-341.
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  50. policy and politics: The Sausage-Making of Insurance Reform.Mark A. Hall - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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